Thursday, 4 March 2010


Last week I went to Berlin and (even though I'm a photographer) promised myself I wouldn't take too many photos. I always seem to ruin trips this way! All I have is photographs and no real memories; so I just took was 2 disposable cameras with me.

Decisive moment!


  1. neat photos - i always find it awkward to pull out my camera at all times of the day, especially when my fiancee tells me to take mental pictures!
    looks like a fun time

  2. Oh i love this!! great photos, 3rd one down is my fave! great moment captured :) Been planning on going to Berlin for the last year but havnt found a good time! Do you have anywhere to recommend going/not missing out on? xx

  3. i'm glad you took some pictures! these are awesome and really invoke the mood of the place

  4. I know what you mean, I spend half my life looking down a lense instaed of what is actually infront of me! However you did get some great snaps. The last 2 are the best

    Rianna xxxx
